
Alden Daze

Alden Daze is the marketing coordinator at TreeNut Cheezery, a vegan cheese brand rooted in the vibrant landscapes of Ubud, Bali. Their small, dedicated team meticulously handcrafts each product with utmost care, harnessing traditional cheesemaking techniques, slow fermentation, and aging processes.

Alden Daze adalah koordinator pemasaran di TreeNut Cheezery, merek keju vegan yang berasal dari Ubud, Bali. Tim kecil mereka membuat setiap produk dengan sangat cermat dan hati-hati, memanfaatkan teknik pembuatan keju tradisional, fermentasi lambat, dan proses penuaan.

Appearing In

Special Event | Meet The Cheesemakers

Introducing the cheesemakers revolutionizing Bali’s culinary scene. Rosalie Cheese, Mazaraat Cheese, and TreeNut Cheezery (vegan cheese) are at the forefront of a new wave of artisanal cheese crafting, reshaping the …