
Cynthia Louise

Cynthia Louise is the culinary dynamo behind Jhoii Local Eats. She is not just a chef; she’s a farming aficionado with an unwavering love for sustainable agriculture. Her infectious passion for farming infuses every aspect of her culinary creations, from breakfast through to dinner. At Jhoii Local Eats in Sanur, she curates experiences where diners feel nourished, cared for, and connected to the land that sustains them. Author of two plant-based cookbooks, Celebrate Your Sweet Tooth and Plant-Based Love Stories, Chef Cynthia shares not only recipes but also stories of her journey through the world of sustainable, farm-to-table cuisine. Collaborating with biochemist Dr. Libby Weaver, Chef Cynthia has authored three books that delve into the intricate relationship between food, health, farming, and wellbeing. She’s also the star of two cooking shows on Gaia TV and FMTV, where she brings her passion for farm-fresh ingredients to life on the screen.

Cynthia Louise adalah penggerak kuliner di balik Jhoii Local Eats. Bukan hanya chef, ia juga penggemar pertanian dengan kecintaan terhadap pertanian berkelanjutan. Kecintaannya ini meresap ke dalam setiap aspek kreasi kulinernya, mulai dari sarapan hingga makan malam. Di Jhoii Local Eats di Sanur, ia menciptakan pengalaman di mana para pengunjungnya merasa tercukupi, terperhatikan, dan terhubung dengan tanah yang menopang mereka. Penulis dua buku masak, Celebrate Your Sweet Tooth dan Plant-Based Love Stories, Chef Cynthia tidak hanya berbagi resep tetapi juga perjalanannya mengarungi dunia masakan ‘dari kebun ke meja makan’ yang berkelanjutan. Berkolaborasi dengan ahli biokimia Dr. Libby Weaver, Chef Cynthia telah menulis tiga buku yang mendalami hubungan antara makanan, kesehatan, pertanian, dan kesejahteraan. Ia juga merupakan bintang dari dua acara memasak di Gaia TV dan FMTV, di mana ia menunjukkan kecintaannya terhadap bahan-bahan segar dari pertanian di layar.

Appearing In

Special Event | Zero Waste Evening in partnership with BRCA

In partnership with The Bali Restaurant and Cafe Association, Indus, home of the Ubud Food Festival, will be the venue for a sustainability-focused dinner to conclude the festival’s inaugural Sustainability …

Food for Thought | Sustainability is a Journey; Innovators Leading Collective Change on Bali’s Culinary Landscape

Bali’s food and beverage sector faces many challenges to meet sustainability targets. Although there are many sustainability services available, solutions can only be impactful when passionate, committed changemakers create a …