
Mikael Jasin

Mikael Jasin is a prominent figure in the specialty coffee industry, known for his expertise as a barista and coffee professional. Born and raised in Indonesia, Mikael has gained international acclaim for his meticulous approach to coffee preparation and innovative techniques. He made a significant mark in the coffee community by securing a top spot at the World Barista Championship, showcasing his skill and passion for coffee craftsmanship on a global stage. Beyond competitions, Mikael is dedicated to educating others about coffee. He conducts workshops and seminars, sharing his knowledge of coffee brewing and flavor profiling. He also consults for various cafes and coffee businesses, helping them enhance their coffee quality and service. Mikael’s contributions to the coffee industry are driven by his commitment to excellence and his desire to elevate coffee culture both in Indonesia and internationally.

Mikael Jasin adalah tokoh prominen di industri kopi specialty, dikenal luas akan keahliannya sebagai barista dan profesional kopi. Lahir dan besar di Indonesia, Mikael telah mendapatkan pengakuan internasional atas pendekatannya yang cermat dalam mempersiapkan kopi, juga teknik-tekniknya yang inovatif. Ia menorehkan pencapaian besar dengan meraih posisi teratas di World Barista Championship, menunjukkan keahlian dan kecintaannya terhadap pembuatan kopi di panggung global. Di luar kompetisi, Mikael berdedikasi untuk memberikan edukasi tentang kopi. Ia mengadakan lokakarya dan seminar, berbagi pengetahuannya tentang pembuatan kopi dan pengenalan cita rasa. Ia juga menjadi konsultan di berbagai kafe dan bisnis kopi, membantu mereka meningkatkan kualitas dan layanan kopinya. Kontribusi Mikael terhadap industri kopi didorong oleh komitmennya terhadap keunggulan dan keinginannya untuk mengangkat budaya kopi, baik di Indonesia maupun internasional.

Appearing In

Food for Thought | Full of Beans: Farming Panel

Gather ’round for a gritty discussion on the business of coffee, with Arca, a young coffee farmer from Kintamani, Mikael Jasin, this year’s world barista champ and Fahmi, Roaster From …

Workshop | Full of Beans: Cupping & Tasting by Mikael Jasin

Dive deep into the rituals of coffee cupping and tasting with Mikael Jasin, recently named winner of the 2024 World Barista Championships. Joining him will be Nicholas Montoya, Colombian coffee …