
Floris Graziosi

Floris Graziosi, a ten-year Dutch expat turned entrepreneur in Indonesia, brings experience from his time with the European Business Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta, supporting trade missions. He established market linkages for a cooperative of cashew farmers in Sulawesi, exporting their produce to Vietnam and the USA. Passionate about sustainable business models, he recently founded AYR Water, an eco-friendly refill/reuse bottled water concept and solutions provider for the Indonesian Horeca market. AYR water systems are now available in Bali.

Floris Graziosi adalah seorang ekspatriat Belanda yang telah tinggal di Indonesia selama 10 tahun dan sekarang menjadi wirausaha. Ia memiliki pengalaman bekerja dengan European Business Chamber of Commerce di Jakarta untuk mendukung misi perdagangan. Florus menyiapkan market linkage untuk koperasi petani jambu mete di Sulawesi dan kemudian mengekspornya ke Vietnam dan Amerika. Ia sangat tertarik dengan model bisnis berkelanjutan dan baru-baru ini mendirikan AYR Water, penyedia solusi dan konsep air kemasan isi ulang yang ramah lingkungan untuk pasar Horeca Indonesia. Sistem air AYR kini tersedia di Bali.

Appearing In

Food for Thought | There is no away; System Change and looking outside the box to find solutions to prevent Food Packaging Pollution

The expert panel will look at sustainability strategies to reduce waste to landfill and the role of system change for restaurants. BRCA sustainability providers will make presentations about the impacts …