
I Made Suarna

Mixologist I Made Suarna crafts magic in every cocktail. From the creative process to the extraordinary end result, each drink is a unique blend of flavors and the natural richness of Bali. Utilizing local ingredients like infused lime leaves, I Made Suarna creates an unforgettable experience with every sip. Explore new flavor realms and savor the extraordinary Coffee Cocktail adventure at RÜSTERS Sunset Bar with I Made Suarna, and feel the RÜSTERS vibe with this cocktail maestro.

I Made Suarna menciptakan keajaiban di setiap koktail yang ia buat. Dari proses kreatif hingga hasil akhirnya, setiap minuman adalah perpaduan yang unik antara rasa dan kekayaan alam Bali. Memanfaatkan bahan-bahan lokal seperti daun limau, ia menciptakan pengalaman tak terlupakan di setiap tegukan. Jelajahi cita rasa baru dan petualangan koktail kopi yang luar biasa di RÜSTERS Sunset Bar bersama I Made Suarna dan rasakan atmosfer RÜSTERS bersama maestro koktail ini.

Appearing In

Special Event | Coffee Cocktail Sunset Party at RÜSTERS

Step into the magical world of mixology with the enigmatic Made Suarna. Each carefully crafted cocktail is a shaken-stirred masterpiece and a product of Bali’s jungle wonderland. Using hand-picked local …