
Helianti Hilman

Helianti Hilman is a prominent advocate for preserving Indonesia’s diverse food heritage by harnessing market forces. Her focus is on developing an integrated value chain that encompasses both the upstream and downstream aspects of Indonesia’s food ecosystem while promoting heritage foods at national and international levels. In 2008, she founded Javara, collaborating with over 10,000 farmers, foragers, and small-to-medium enterprises throughout Indonesia to distribute heritage food products to more than 25 countries. In 2017, she established the Javara Academy – School of Food Artisans, empowering farmers and food artisans from across Indonesia to build environmentally friendly, sustainable, and inclusive businesses. Helianti has received numerous accolades for her work, including the Ernst & Young Indonesia’s 2013 Social Entrepreneur of the Year award. Currently, she serves as a member of the United Nations Food System Champions.

Helianti Hilman berada dalam garda depan upaya melestarikan warisan tradisi kuliner Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan pasar. Kerjanya berfokus pada upaya menciptakan sebuah rantai nilai terintegrasi yang menggabungkan aspek hulu dan hilir dari ekosistem makanan Indonesia, sembari mempromosikan makanan khas Indonesia di ajang dalam negeri dan mancanegara. Pada 2008, ia mendirikan Javara, yang mempelopori gerakan yang melibatkan kerjasama antara puluhan ribu petani, pengumpul bahan makanan serta usaha kecil menengah di seantero Indonesia untuk menyalurkan produk-produk makanan warisan tradisional Indonesia ke lebih dari 25 negara. Pada 2017, ia meluncurkan Javara Academy – School of Food Artisans, yang merupakan sebuah pusat pembelajaran yang hendak memberdayakan para petani dan pengrajin makanan di seluruh Indonesia untuk menciptakan ekosistem bisnis yang lebih ramah lingkungan, berkelanjutan dan inklusif. Helianti telah diganjar berbagai penghargaan untuk sumbangsihnya ini, termasuk juga gelar Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2013 dari Ernst & Young. Saat ini ia menjadi anggota United Nations Food System Champions.

Appearing In

Special Event | Treasures of Sigi at Plataran

The Dharmawangsa Jakarta Hotel, in collaboration with Javara and LTKL, presents one of the festival’s most unique dining experiences on Plataran Ubud’s breezy Banyan Deck, Kinandari. Inspired by his journey …

Film Program | Treasures of Sigi

Treasures of Sigi is The Dharmawangsa Jakarta’s effort to preserve the nation’s wealth. In collaboration with Javara Indonesia and Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL), this documentary captures Chef Julio’s exploration …

Food for Thought | From Sabang to Merauke: Regional Dishes of Indonesia

Explore the diverse culinary landscape of the archipelago and delve into the unique local flavors and cooking techniques. Our panel discuss the vibrancy of dishes from the bold Padang cuisine …

Special Event | Cerita Rasa Suvarnadvipa: Muarajambi Feast at Casa Luna

Enter one of Indonesia’s richest archaeological sites with a long-table lunch of storytelling, feasting, and ancient history. Situated on Sumatra’s east coast, Candi Muarajambi is one of Southeast Asia’s largest …

Teater Kuliner | Treasures of Sigi

Join Chef Julio from the iconic The Dharmawangsa Jakarta and Ibu Helianti on a culinary journey into Sigi, Central Sulawesi. Learn to prepare Ayam di Bambu, a traditional dish of …

Teater Kuliner | Cerita Rasa Suvarnadvipa: Muarajambi

Situated on Sumatra’s east coast, Candi Muarajambi is one of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient temple complexes that lay abandoned and overgrown until 1920. Chef Wira, Helianti Hilman, and indigenous women …