
Workshop | Jajan Jadul Kue Semprong at Kappa Senses Ubud Permaculture

Start: 31 May 2024 | 15:00 - 17:00
Category: Venue: Kappa Senses Ubud. Banjar Tanggayuda, Jalan Taman Sari, Kedewatan, Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: IDR 220,000++ BUY TICKET

Experience an exciting educational culinary adventure with a permaculture workshop in the grounds of Kappa Senses Ubud. Explore the principles of sustainable agriculture in their abundant garden where vegetables, fruit, and herbs are grown. Conclude the experience with a special class led by Chef Dwi, Kappa Senses Ubud’s Pastry Chef, to learn how to make Kue Semprong. Chef Dwi will showcase the step-by-step techniques using locally sourced ingredients. Engage in the cooking process to gain valuable insights and hands-on experience in preparing this traditional dessert.

Ikuti petualangan kuliner edukatif yang menarik dengan lokakarya permakultur di Kappa Senses Ubud. Jelajahi prinsip-prinsip pertanian berkelanjutan di kebun mereka yang berlimpah, tempat sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, dan tanaman tumbuh. Akhiri dengan kelas khusus yang diampu oleh Chef Dwi, Pastry Chef Kappa Senses Ubud, untuk mempelajari cara membuat Kue Semprong. Chef Dwi akan menunjukkan teknik membuat kue ini langkah demi langkah, menggunakan bahan-bahan lokal. Libatkan diri Anda dalam proses memasak untuk mendapatkan wawasan berharga dan pengalaman langsung dalam menyiapkan hidangan penutup tradisional ini.


Kadek Dwi Kurniawan

Kadek Dwi Kurniawan is the Pastry Chef of Kappa Senses Ubud from Bali. He has improved his skills over the course of 18 years, both under the guidance of his …