
Buya Azmedia Istiqlal

Buya Azmedia Istiqlal is the Founder and CEO of Urban Compost Bali, a professional waste management company focused on organic waste through composting since 2019. His concern for the waste problem in urban settings, combined with knowledge gained from previous jobs (especially at PT EcoMantra and Project Clean Uluwatu), plus the spirit of entrepreneurship, has led him on the journey with Urban Compost Bali. He is also a passionate and locally graduated biologist, with a specialization in ecology and urban biodiversity. Urban Compost is a sustainability service provider for the Bali Restaurant Café Association. Buya will be on the panel for Session I – Food Waste is Heating up Bali’s Landfills.

Buya Azmedia Istiqlal adalah Pendiri dan CEO Urban Compost Bali, sebuah perusahaan pengelolaan sampah profesional yang berfokus pada pengelolaan sampah organik melalui pengomposan sejak tahun 2019. Kepeduliannya terhadap permasalahan sampah di perkotaan, bersama dengan ilmu yang ia dapatkan dari pekerjaan sebelumnya (terutama di PT Mantra Bali dan Project Clean Uluwatu) serta semangat kewirausahaannya, telah membawa ia ke perjalanannya bersama Urban Compost. Ia juga merupakan ahli biologi lulusan Bali, dengan spesialisasi di bidang ekologi dan keanekaragaman hayati perkotaan. Urban Compost adalah penyedia jasa keberlanjutan untuk Bali Restaurant Café Association. Ia akan berada di panel untuk Sesi I – Food Waste is Heating up Bali’s Landfills.

Appearing In

Food for Thought | Sustainability Practices for Food Waste

Preventing food surplus and practicing food waste management are considered cornerstone responsibilities of sustainability for restaurants. BRCA sustainability providers and experts will make presentations about preventing food waste by repurposing …