
Special Event | Cerita Rasa Suvarnadvipa: Muarajambi Feast at Casa Luna

Start: 31 May 2024 | 12:00 - 14:00
Category: Venue: Casa Luna. Jl. Raya Ubud, Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: IDR 450.000++ BUY TICKET

Enter one of Indonesia’s richest archaeological sites with a long-table lunch of storytelling, feasting, and ancient history. Situated on Sumatra’s east coast, Candi Muarajambi is one of Southeast Asia’s largest ancient temple complexes that lay abandoned and overgrown until 1920. Chef Wira, Helianti Hilman, and indigenous women from 8 communities will present a jungle feast of unique native ingredients and authentic dishes cooked in traditional clay pots. From wild leaves, forest herbs, tropical berries, and rare gingers to shoots, tubers, exotic fruits, river eels, and fresh fish, prepare to be amazed with this outstanding forgotten foods culinary expedition. Sit back, savor the journey, and immerse yourself in the tales of an antique land.

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Bookings are subject to tax and service charges from 10% to 26% and includes a 3.2% platform fee per booking. (Please note these charges differ across venues). 

Telusuri salah satu situs arkeologi terkaya di Indonesia dengan makan siang meja panjang yang akan diisi oleh rangkaian cerita, jamuan makan, dan sejarah kuno. Terletak di pantai timur Sumatera, Candi Muarajambi adalah salah satu kompleks candi kuno terbesar di Asia Tenggara yang terbengkalai hingga tahun 1920. Chef Wira, Helianti Hilman dan perempuan adat dari 8 komunitas akan menyajikan ‘jamuan hutan’ yang menggunakan bahan-bahan asli nan unik dan hidangan otentik yang dimasak di pot tanah liat tradisional. Dari dedaunan liar, tumbuhan hutan, buah beri tropis, dan jahe langka hingga pucuk, umbi-umbian, buah-buahan eksotis, belut sungai, dan ikan segar, bersiaplah untuk takjub dengan ekspedisi kuliner ini. Duduk, nikmati rangkaian kegiatan, dan benamkan diri Anda dalam kisah-kisah tentang negeri antik.

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Pemesanan dikenakan pajak dan biaya layanan mulai dari 10% hingga 26% dan termasuk biaya platform 3,2% per pemesanan. (Mohon dicatat bahwa biaya ini berbeda di setiap lokasi). 



Wira Hardiyansyah

Wira Hardiyansyah is an Indonesian chef and expert in Indonesian food history who is passionate about uncovering the stories behind Indonesian dishes. He explores these culinary narratives through historical, cultural, …

Helianti Hilman

Helianti Hilman is a prominent advocate for preserving Indonesia’s diverse food heritage by harnessing market forces. Her focus is on developing an integrated value chain that encompasses both the upstream …