
Film Program | Janet DeNeefe: Off the Beaten Track

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 20:00 - 21:30
Category: / Venue: Garden Entrance @Taman Kuliner. Jalan Raya Sanggingan No. 88X Kedewatan Ubud, Kedewatan, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571 (Google Maps)
Cost: Entry for Free

For over thirty years, Ubud Food Festival Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has explored the diverse world of Balinese cooking. Now, following her book Bali: Food of My Island Home, and her memoir Fragrant Rice, she takes you off the beaten track to experience a side of Bali you’ve never seen before. Join Janet on-screen and in person for her anecdotes and personal insights into the exciting world of Balinese cuisine. Explore Bali’s best-kept secret foodie havens, from village warungs and small eateries to cottage-industry producers, all showcased in five short films:

  • Bebek Rimpin & Topot: Balinese Wrapping, The Most Delicious Way To Cook Food
  • Warung Rujak Gelogor: Trying Everything on The Menu
  • Gula Bali Dawan: Featuring The Strongest Man of the Island
  • Warung Men Juwel: The Coolest Way To Cook Chicken
  • Natrabu: Indonesian Most Loved Cuisine

Each short film will screen twice.

Selama lebih dari tiga puluh tahun, Pendiri & Direktur Ubud Food Festival Janet DeNeefe telah mengeksplorasi ragam jagat masakan Bali. Kini, setelah meluncurkan buku Bali: Food of My Island Home dan memoarnya Fragrant Rice, ia akan membawa Anda ke tempat-tempat tersembunyi untuk merasakan sisi Bali yang belum pernah Anda lihat sebelumnya. Bergabunglah bersama Janet, baik di layar maupun secara langsung, untuk mendapatkan cerita-cerita unik dan wawasan pribadinya tentang jagat masakan Bali yang menarik. Jelajahi surga kuliner rahasia di sini, mulai dari warung desa dan restoran kecil hingga produsen industri rumahan, dalam lima film pendek berikut:

  • Bebek Rimpin & Topot: Balinese Wrapping, The Most Delicious Way To Cook Food
  • Warung Rujak Gelogor: Trying Everything on The Menu
  • Gula Bali Dawan: Featuring The Strongest Man of the Island
  • Warung Men Juwel: The Coolest Way To Cook Chicken
  • Natrabu: Indonesian Most Loved Cuisine

Setiap film pendek akan ditayangkan dua kali.


Janet DeNeefe

Melbourne-born Janet DeNeefe, Founder & Director of Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, has lived in Bali for more than three decades. Her latest book is Bali: Food …