
Food for Thought | Indonesian Street Food: Is it the Best?

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 11:45 - 12:45
Category: Venue: Rumah Kayu at Taman Kuliner. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: 1-Day Pass for IDR 150,000 | 3-Day Pass for IDR 300,000 | Walk-In for IDR 50,000 BUY TICKET

Renowned for his feature on Netflix’s Street Food: Asia, food writer Kevindra Soemantri writes about Indonesia’s culinary narrative and its profound impact on national identity. Wira Hardiyansyah, chef and culinary historian, researches heritage foods, exploring their societal significance and historical context. Award-winning chef Ragil Imam Wibowo draws boundless inspiration from street food, while Pande Egi has elevated Bali’s iconic street food, Babi Guling, to premier status. Anthony Bourdain once stated, “Street food, I believe, is the salvation of the human race.” Our speakers bring their well-fed thoughts to the table, moderated by the culinary podcast host Ray Janson.

Terkenal karena karyanya di Street Food: Asia di Netflix, Kevindra Soemantri menulis tentang narasi-narasi kuliner Indonesia dan dampaknya yang besar terhadap identitas nasional. Wira Hardiyansyah, chef dan sejarawan kuliner, banyak meneliti makanan warisan budaya, mengeksplorasi makna sosial dan konteks sejarahnya. Chef pemenang penghargaan Ragil Imam Wibowo mendapatkan inspirasi tak terbatas dari jajanan kaki lima, sementara Pande Egi telah berhasil mengangkat pamor Babi Guling, jajanan kaki lima Bali. Anthony Bourdain pernah berkata, “Saya percaya, makanan jalanan adalah penyelamat umat manusia.” Pembicara kami akan menyampaikan pemikiran mereka dalam sesi ini, dimoderatori oleh pembawa acara podcast kuliner Ray Janson.


Kevindra Prianto Soemantri

Kevindra Prianto Soemantri, also known as Kevindra, is an Indonesia-based food writer, culinary observer, and author. He has contributed writings on food and restaurants to major publications such as The …

Ragil Imam Wibowo

Ragil Imam Wibowo is a renowned Indonesian chef and the proud owner of several dining establishments spanning Jakarta, Bali, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, including NUSA Indonesian Gastronomy, Segarra Beach Club, Warung …

Ray Janson

Ray Janson, a renowned Chef, and Restaurateur, as well as a Podcaster. Ray was a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Paris and launched his culinary journey by working at some …