
Food for Thought | Kitchen Confidential

Start: 02 Jun 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00
Category: Venue: Rumah Kayu at Taman Kuliner. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: 1-Day Pass for IDR 150,000 | 3-Day Pass for IDR 300,000 | Walk-In for IDR 50,000 BUY TICKET

Achieving recognition for their exceptional talent and creativity brings chefs to the top of the culinary world. However, staying on top requires continuous innovation, dedication, and perseverance in the face of intense competition, high expectations, and the pressure to maintain their reputation. Consistently pushing boundaries, creating new flavors, and adapting to changing trends remain at the pinnacle of their profession. Hans Christian, Zennon Wiljinens, and Nick Honeyman discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly in the kitchen, confidential, gastronomic world.

Meraih pengakuan atas bakat dan kreativitas yang luar biasa tentu akan membawa para chef ke puncak dunia kuliner. Namun, untuk tetap menjadi yang teratas diperlukan inovasi, dedikasi, dan ketekunan yang berkelanjutan untuk menghadapi persaingan yang ketat, ekspektasi yang tinggi, dan tekanan untuk mempertahankan reputasi. Konsisten mendorong batasan, menciptakan cita rasa baru, dan beradaptasi dengan perubahan tren tetap menjadi puncak terpenting profesi mereka. Dalam sesi ini, Hans Christian, Zennon Wiljinens, dan Nick Honeyman akan mendiskusikan hal-hal baik dan buruk di dapur dan di balik dunia gastronomi.


Hans Christian

Hans Christian is chef and co-owner of August Jakarta. After winning the American Express One To Watch Award last year, August has broken into the  2024 Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants …

Zennon Wijlens

Zennon Wijlens, Co-Owner and Head Chef of Paris Butter in Auckland, is a culinary maestro who has propelled the restaurant to the forefront of Auckland’s dining scene alongside fellow chef …

Nick Honeyman

Nick Honeyman is the New Zealand Co-Owner at Paris Butter in Auckland, and Le Petit Léon in the south of France. Born and raised in South Africa, Nick’s ambition to …

Ray Janson

Ray Janson, a renowned Chef, and Restaurateur, as well as a Podcaster. Ray was a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Paris and launched his culinary journey by working at some …