
Open Kitchen | Seared Foie Gras with a Tropical Twist with Blake Thornley

Start: 31 May 2024 | 12:00 - 13:30
Category: / Venue: Mozaic. Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali (Google Maps)
Cost: IDR 300,000++ BUY TICKET

Chef Blake takes you on a culinary journey with one of Mozaic’s most popular dishes. Learn to master seared foie gras with a tropical twist of black pineapple, bell pepper, and hints of vanilla. Chef Blake will share his expertise on flavor combinations and cooking techniques, guiding you through each step. Finish the class savoring a serving of foie gras with new friends and a copy of the recipe to take home.

Bookings are subject to tax and service charges of 21% and include a platform fee per booking.

Chef Blake akan membawa Anda dalam sebuah perjalanan kuliner dengan salah satu hidangan terpopuler Mozaic. Belajar menguasai foie gras panggang dengan sentuhan tropis dari nanas hitam, paprika, dan sedikit vanilla. Chef Blake akan berbagi keahliannya dalam membuat kombinasi rasa juga teknik memasaknya, memandu Anda melalui setiap langkah. Selesaikan kelas dengan menikmati seporsi foie gras bersama teman baru dan salinan resep untuk dibawa pulang.

Pemesanan dikenakan pajak dan biaya layanan sebesar 21% dan sudah termasuk biaya platform per pemesanan.


Blake Thornley

Blake Thornley is the Chef & Co-owner of Mozaic, the iconic French restaurant in Ubud. His culinary journey began at the age of 11 when he started honing his skills …