
Teater Kuliner | Rui Yamagishi

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 15:30 - 16:30
Category: / Venue: Teater Kuliner @Taman Kuliner. Jalan Raya Sanggingan No. 88X Kedewatan Ubud, Kedewatan, Kec. Gianyar, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571 (Google Maps)
Cost: Entry for Free

Rui Yamagishi, the pin-up boy chef of Acta Brasserie and the new Rayjin, reflects his Japanese heritage and innovative techniques, combining fresh, light flavors with traditional ingredients. He will take us step-by-step through the process of making Market Fish with Tomato & Wakame Sauce and Soy Marinated Tomato served with Potato Crackers and Smoked Konbu Oil, together with Laksmi DeNeefe Suardana.

Rui Yamagishi, chef di Acta Brasserie dan Rayjin, mencerminkan warisan Jepang dan teknik inovatifnya, menggabungkan rasa segar dan ringan dengan bahan-bahan tradisional. Dalam sesi ini, ia akan membawa kita melewati langkah demi langkah proses pembuatan ikan pasar dengan tomat & saus wakame dan tomat bumbu kedelai yang disajikan dengan kerupuk kentang dan minyak konbu asap, bersama dengan Laksmi DeNeefe Suardana.


Rui Yamagishi

Rui Yamagishi’s draws from his Japanese and Balinese roots with his elevated take on Japanese cuisine. His early years saw him venturing throughout notable restaurants across Australia, namely Bentley, and …

Laksmi DeNeefe Suardana

Laksmi DeNeefe Suardana is Bali’s first Puteri Indonesia and Miss Universe Indonesia 2022. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in the Business of Fashion from Polimoda, Italy – one of the …