
Category: News

Indonesian Superfoods: Black rice

Posted: 21 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

Indonesia is home to many of the world’s most nutritious superfoods. In our Indonesian Superfoods series we’ve spoken to industry experts about tempe, jackfruit, cassava and coconut. For our final …

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Weird & Wacky: Pagit-pagit

Posted: 21 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

If you find yourself in Batak Karo highlands of North Sumatra, invite yourself to lunch at a crowded eatery. Have a seat and order a pagit-pagit. Sweating though you may …

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Sambal Goreng

Posted: 20 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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Weird & Wacky: Cacing nyale

Posted: 15 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

Borne by the waves to the lap of white-powdered coastlines under a moonlit sky, the sea-dwelling polychaete worms swim ashore by the billions for a few days per year, to …

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Pepes Ikan: Grilled fish in banana leaves

Posted: 08 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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Weird & Wacky: Paniki woku

Posted: 08 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

There is a saying in Manado, capital of North Sulawesi: “Manadonese eat everything with four legs – except tables and chairs.” The Minahasans, the ethnic group of North Sulawesi, are …

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Indonesian Superfoods: Coconut

Posted: 06 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

The Western world has gone crazy for coconuts, which have been consumed and utilized in countless ways across equatorial regions for centuries. There are now more than 50 coconut products …

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Cucumber in roasted coconut milk (Timun Jeruk)

Posted: 05 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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What to eat in… Surabaya

Posted: 01 March 2017 Category: Blog, News

In our #Whattoeatin culinary tour of Indonesia we’ve devoured a feast of delectable dishes, from babi panggang Karo in Medan to mantau sapi ladah hitam in Balikpapan. We’ve slurped mie …

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Dried Beef Curry (Rendang)

Posted: 26 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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Ubud Food Festival chefs shine at S. Pellegrino & Acqua Panna Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2017

Posted: 22 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

With a host of Ubud Food Festival chefs taking out top spots at the 2017 S. Pellegrino & Acqua Panna Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards last night, the role of …

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Indonesian Superfoods: Cassava

Posted: 21 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

The Huffington Post recently praised cassava as a “hidden superfood”. Indonesia, however, is one of the world’s largest cassava producers, so this versatile root vegetable is the very opposite of …

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Refleksi pengalaman volunteer UFF Eko Tedjakumala

Posted: 20 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

Bertanya mengapa saya senang menjadi volunteer UFF sama saja dengan bertanya mengapa saya mencintai Ubud. Sebagai salah satu sentra seni dan budaya Bali, Ubud merupakan bentuk nyata pengejawantahan nilai-nilai keterbukaan …

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Chargrilled squid

Posted: 20 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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What to eat in… Balikpapan

Posted: 15 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

Just like Pontianak in West Kalimantan, which was last week’s stop on our #Whattoeatin culinary tour, the East Kalimantan port city of Balikpapan is also culturally diverse. It’s inhabited by …

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What to eat in… Pontianak

Posted: 07 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

Pontianak, capital of West Kalimantan, is a bustling trading port with a diverse and multicultural population. At the last census about 30% comprised Chinese and 26% Malays, and so naturally …

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Indonesian Superfoods: Jackfruit

Posted: 06 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

A list of ‘new’ superfoods appears in glossy magazines and food blogs each year, followed by the requisite scientific shakedown by news outlets. One superfood which has recently been attracting …

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Jackfruit curry (Jukut nangka)

Posted: 03 February 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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What to eat in… Bandung

Posted: 31 January 2017 Category: Blog, News

Fermented foods are popular among the Sundanese of West Java, where much of the lush terrain is mountainous and many live at higher altitudes. Fermentation requires a specific temperature range …

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Chilli Beef Noodles

Posted: 27 January 2017 Category: Blog, News

An accomplished cookbook author and restaurateur, UFF Founder & Director Janet DeNeefe has enjoyed a love affair with Indonesian food spanning more than 30 years. In this series, we share …

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