
Food for Thought | Living Off the Land

Start: 02 Jun 2024 | 13:45 - 14:45
Category: Venue: Rumah Kayu at Taman Kuliner. Jl Raya Sanggingan Ubud (Google Maps)
Cost: 1-Day Pass for IDR 150,000 | 3-Day Pass for IDR 300,000 | Walk-In for IDR 50,000 BUY TICKET

Our panelists delve into the intricate dilemma of farming and living off the land, navigating the balance between sustainability and profitability. They explore the challenges of modern agriculture, addressing issues such as climate change, land degradation, and the preservation of traditional farming practices amidst a rapidly changing world.

Para panelis di sesi ini akan mendiskusikan dilema yang rumit antara bertani dan hidup dari lahan, dengan mencari keseimbangan antara keberlanjutan dan profitabilitas. Mereka akan mengeksplorasi tantangan pertanian modern, membahas isu-isu seperti perubahan iklim, degradasi lahan, dan pelestarian praktik pertanian tradisional di tengah dunia yang berubah dengan cepat.


Ali Imron

Ali Imron is the Farm Manager at Begawan, a Bali-based foundation that pioneers and models solutions to local issues in education, farming, and conservation, where he leads the foundation’s efforts …

Fitrian Ardiansyah

For more than 20 years, Fitrian Ardiansyah has cut his teeth in the field of sustainable trade of global commodities. Currently, he focuses on climate financing and investment in Southeast …

Ramadani Yudha Prasetya

Ramadani Yudha Prasetya, familiarly called Rama, is a horticulturist with a professional background in forestry and botany who runs Island Organics Bali, a crops producer which supplies customers in Bali …