
Open Kitchen | A Flavourful Adventure of Unconventional Desserts: Kimchi Macaron & Secret Special Menu

Start: 01 Jun 2024 | 09:30 - 11:00
Category: / Venue: Mozaic Restaurant. Jl. Raya Sanggingan, Kedewatan, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali
Cost: IDR 300,000++ BUY TICKET

Embark on a culinary journey like no other with Crafted with Time and renowned pastry chef Gunawan Wu, creating unconventional desserts and unlocking the secrets of flavor fusion. In this exclusive masterclass, Chef Wu and the sauce artisans will guide you through the art of infusing classic treats with unexpected twists, starting with their latest sensation: macarons with a bold kimchi flavor filling.

Bookings are subject to tax and service charges of 21% and include a platform fee per booking.

Mulailah perjalanan kuliner yang tiada duanya bersama Crafted with Time dan pastry chef ternama Gunawan Wu, menciptakan makanan penutup yang tak biasa dan mengungkap rahasia di balik perpaduan rasa nan unik. Dalam kelas eksklusif ini, Chef Wu dan para pembuat saus akan memandu Anda mempelajari seni memadukan suguhan klasik dengan sentuhan tak terduga, dimulai dengan sensasi terbaru mereka: macaron dengan isian rasa kimchi.

Pemesanan dikenakan pajak dan biaya layanan sebesar 21% dan sudah termasuk biaya platform per pemesanan.


Gunawan Wu

Gunawan Wu is the chef-owner of Gazoz Cafe & Restaurant in Batam Island, Indonesia. He has earned recognition in prestigious awards, named the Savour Patissier of the Year in 2016 …


W/T/ME or Crafted with Time is a flavor company that makes sauces and condiments. They play, explore, and innovate with time and fermentation techniques, using local ingredients and zero-waste practices …