
Andres Becerra

Andres Becerra is the chef of Santanera in Canggu, Bali. His culinary journey is marked by a dedication to exploring diverse cuisines and techniques. From his roots in Bogota, where he developed a love for hospitality at his parents’ restaurants, to honing his skills in Australia at Movida Original and Movida Aqui, he continually sought opportunities to expand his culinary horizons. Working in Europe at Michelin-starred establishments like Restaurant Relæ in Copenhagen and Els Casals in Catalunya deepened his understanding of farm-to-table cuisine, which he seamlessly integrated into his culinary repertoire. At Santanera, Andres blends his global experiences, creating a fusion of Latin American flavors, European influences, and locally sourced ingredients. The menu offers contemporary tapas plates that span continents and cultures, showcasing the finest organic produce expertly prepared to delight the senses.

Andres Becerra adalah chef di Santanera, Canggu, Bali. Perjalanan kuliner Andres ditandai dengan dedikasinya dalam mengeksplorasi beragam masakan dan teknik. Dari tempat asalnya di Bogota, di mana ia mengembangkan kecintaannya terhadap keramahtamahan di restoran orang tuanya, hingga mengasah keterampilannya di Australia di Movida Original dan Movida Aqui, Andres terus mencari peluang untuk memperluas wawasan kulinernya. Bekerja di di restoran berbintang Michelin di Eropa seperti Restaurant Relæ di Kopenhagen dan Els Casals di Katalonia turut memperdalam pemahamannya tentang masakan ‘dari kebun ke meja makan’, yang ia integrasikan dengan mulus ke dalam repertoar kulinernya. Di Santanera, Andres memadukan pengalaman globalnya, menciptakan perpaduan cita rasa Amerika Latin, pengaruh Eropa, dan bahan-bahan lokal. Menu-menunya menawarkan piring tapas kontemporer yang mencakup berbagai benua dan budaya, menampilkan produk organik terbaik yang disiapkan untuk memanjakan indra.

Appearing In

Special Event | Santanera X Ghost X Indus

The terrace of Indus comes alive with a chilled, modern-minded menu by Tim Stapleforth, ex-Mason chef of Berawa’s new Ghost Kitchen and Andres Beccera of Santanera, Canggu’s hottest Latin-American eatery. …